Technology is a dual edge sword: So helpful when it’s working and we understand how to use it. A nightmare and very frustrating when we don’t. If you are generation X or a millenial you will probably have no issues grasping the core concepts. Boomers may need to speak up.

We know that glitches occur with technology, whether by hacking or simply some malfunction. Please alert us to problems as you discover them, and we will try to resolve these issues as swiftly as possible. We have pages and posts available that will help you use this site to assist you with your real estate needs.

Savvy, experienced practicioners will likely need less assistance with the real estate concepts, and this format is ideal for Do It Yourselfers. That said, we can all benefit from other’s experiences and viewpoints, and those who need some assistance can solicit help for their particular needs. Browse through the PRODUCT categories to find the items that meet your needs.

The different PRODUCT categories allow Users to focus on a particular niche or function. Be sure to visit the How It Works page for more insight.