In our search for homes, we sometimes forget that we can ask for it.

Like MAGIC, we will likely find out someone else already has what we want, they no longer need it, and are willing to pass it on.

Why not put it out there and see what happens?

That is the premise behind our Category “DEALMAKERS”.


Buyers can set the parameters as general or specific as they want, and request that owners of property contact them with their offerrings.

Negotiation is the ART of the Deal, and Prospective Buyers usually know what price point makes the most sense for them.

Hidden Gems can often be found undiscovered when we least expect it. To save time and frustration, search in neighborhoods that you will consider, and to a maximum of 110% of what you are willing to set as your Highest Buy Point.

Choose to be different and be assertive in your quest.

Opportunities are everywhere.